I Remember You

Seal my forehead in Your Gold Light
Written is Your Name
Changed is mine
In white stone,
turns to ash after it is read in calligraphy of the purist Gold for nobody else to Know
Your Robe shines bright
From Your holes of blood you shed on calvary
Eyes of amber fire
Waves of seas beneath
Conviction belongs to The Lord
Stamped in my soul
Never to forget
The breath of Life
The Stillness of Peace
Hands in Yours
Completely in Trust
with my eyes closed,
You allow me Sight
Hands in Yours
Journeyed me through destiny
Faster than the speed of light
I Remember You
For Yours is The Kingdom, The Power Forever
Find me without blemish freckle wrinkle or spot
Perfected in You as Your Bride
White as Snow
I received The Invite
Sparkling in my Wedding Gown
This day forward, I stand, I wait. .. .. .
Come Lord
Do Not Delay.
Make Me, Your Wife!

Sherry McNelis


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