5.19.24 This isn't the life, I wanted to live. There was war inside my head. doing wrong from right and right to wrong. A war, I could not hide. A war I brought you in, My Apologies. I need to walk the narrow path, But my feet widened the road. I hope you forgive me. I Knew The Way to go, But I didn't want to serve I tried to run so many times, I'd pack a bag, Lace up my boots, Head for the door, Looking straight ahead KNOWING I was going the wrong way, going further away from where I belonged... But I Knew The Way to Go... UturnING, reTURNing once again to this life, I need to submit to for it's PREPLANNED, it's DESTINY and I am a WILLING SOUL. I SEE IT. It looks like a mess, But it IS me trying to let go not wanting to lose myself But needing to die to self the road was too wide Troubled on every side, yet not distressed; perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; me trying to make it in my own way In my own tim...
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