When I fell on my face..
Who picked me up?
When I was depressed. .
Who comforted me?
When I was addicted to drugs. .
Who delivered me?
When I was broke..
Who fed me?
When I was tortured..
Who rescued me?
When I was surrounded by darkness..
Who provided me with light?
When I was sleeping around. .
Who loved me?
When I was suicidal..
Who saved me?
My Father! My Comforter! My Deliverer! My Master! My Redeemer! My Friend! My Knight! My Groomsmen! ... Jesus Christ!
So when you come to me with your life challenges. .. the ONLY answer I have to give is .. Jesus! It is He who brought me out of my mess! If this isn't the answer you want to hear you may as well go to Satan himself and speak your problems and let him continue to devour your life. Deceive you. Trick you. To the point you realize he is trying to kill you! And when you are ready to walk out of hell, but you're so far in you can't even see Jesus standing there within your mess. . Then call on me .. I will come take your hand and show you the way to where the Holy One stands'
Sherry McNelis
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