
Shatter the yoke that burdens me
Put to death my garmets of scarlet
This venom has no life within
The weapon has no hold
I'm out in the Deep
Hover over, spread Thy Wings!
Fly me like an eagle through the 4 winds 
Release the grip of the evil one
No serpent can soar up high
Remove me from this dimension 
And place me in my destiny 
Feet of Mercies, I lay my tears 
Stand me in Your Anointing 
Wash my face to reflect Yours
Healing, Miracles, Wonders of Love 
Set me on the Mountain Hilltops 
The lost sheep I see afar
I hear the call of the Anointed Lamb
Sound the Trumpet
With Your Mighty Roar
Into the Kingdom I come
Dressed for the BridgeGroom Feast
Pearly Gates and the Narrow Road
Fight until the end of the deceitful beast 
Indeed I am FREE and FREE I am with the One & Only GREAT I AM!

Sherry McNelis


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